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Promo: Bonus 10% Penukaran Poin Kartu Kredit Menjadi Asia Miles

Cathay kembali mengadakan promo bonus penukaran poin pada pertengahan tahun 2023 ini. Kali ini, mereka menawarkan bonus 10% penukaran poin kartu kredit menjadi Asia Miles tanpa batasan (cap) perolehan.

Promo ini sendiri berlangsung dari 25 Mei – 30 Juni 2023 mendatang dan bagi Anda yang mengikuti promo ini, Anda juga akan berhak mendapatkan bonus tambahan (gimmick) berupa diskon 10% hotel redemption menggunakan Asia Miles.

Berikut detail dari promo ini seperti yang saya kutip dari website Cathay Pacific:

Get 10% bonus miles by converting your bank points

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  1. The Cathay Pacific Southeast Asia (SEA) 10% Bonus Miles Campaign (“Promotion Offer”) is valid from 25 May 2023, 00:00 to 30 June 2023, 23:59 (GMT+8), both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). 
  2. Under the Promotion Offer, members who have fulfilled the following requirements (“Eligible Members”) can enjoy an extra 10% miles (“Bonus Miles”) and a Value-Added Voucher (“Voucher”):
    • a. Members with registered address in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines or Vietnam (“SEA Members”); AND
    • b. Members have registered for the Promotion Offer via the designated link on or before 30 June 2023, 23:59 (GMT+8). Each Eligible Member should register for the Promotion Offer once only during the Promotion Period; AND 
    • c. Members have successfully converted credit card points (“Points”) from designated finance partners in Southeast Asia (the “Eligible Finance Partners”) into Asia Miles based on the regular miles conversion rate (the “Eligible Miles Conversion”) within the Promotion Period. 
  3. Under the Promotion Offer, the Voucher is valid for 10% miles discount when you redeem Hotel Awards on travel.asiamiles.com (“Website”). The Voucher will be delivered to Eligible Members’ email address registered in Cathay membership by 10 July 2023. Additional terms and conditions apply. 
  4. The Eligible Finance Partners refers to participating finance partners with operation in Southeast Asia countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam. These partners are featured under “Other Partner Credit Cards” on Asia Miles website . At the website, first select your “Location”, then select “Earn miles”, then select “Finance & Insurance” under “Ways to earn”. Lastly, select “Other Partner Credit Cards”. 
  5. The Eligible Miles Conversion may vary among Eligible Finance Partners and their designated credit cards. Eligible Members can check with respective Eligible Finance Partner directly for details. There is no limit to the number of conversions and number of credit card points that can be converted within the Promotion Period. 
  6. Eligible Miles Conversions do not include miles earned via the following conditions and thus they are not eligible for the Promotion Offer:
    • a. Miles earned from the welcome offer or promotional offer of designated credit cards; OR
    • b. Miles earned from other banking products. 
  7. The processing time of the requested Eligible Miles Conversion varies among Eligible Finance Partners. Please check with the respective Eligible Finance Partners for details. Asia Miles Limited is not responsible for any delay in the crediting of miles and accepts no liability. 
  8. Asia Miles Limited will credit the Bonus Miles earned under this Promotion Offer to Eligible Members’ Cathay membership accounts within 8 to 10 weeks after 30 June 2023. If the information submitted by Eligible Members is incorrect or insufficient for the purpose of delivering the Promotion Offer, the Promotion Offer will be forfeited without prior notice. Asia Miles Limited accepts no liability and will not be liable for any compensation after 30 September 2023. 
  9. The Eligible Member’s Cathay membership account must remain valid when the Promotion Offer is granted, otherwise Asia Miles Limited and the Eligible Finance Partners have the right to forfeit the Promotion Offer or charge an amount equivalent to the value of the Promotion Offer. 
  10. Bonus Miles earned under this Promotion Offer are non-refundable, non-reversible and non-transferable. 
  11. Eligible Members may enjoy the Promotion Offer once during the Promotion Period. If an Eligible Member has submitted multiple registrations, only the first registration record made within the Promotion Period will be taken by Asia Miles Limited for the purpose of rewarding the Promotion Offer. 
  12. Asia Miles Limited and the Eligible Finance Partners reserve the right to vary, extend, terminate and/or cancel this Promotion Offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any benefit or promotional offer for Eligible Members is subject to availability and Asia Miles Limited and Eligible Finance Partners may change such offer at their sole discretion from time to time without notice to Eligible Members. In case of any disputes, Asia Miles Limited and the Eligible Finance Partners’ decision shall be final and conclusive.
  13. Other Cathay Membership Programme terms and conditions  apply.    

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Apakah promo ini menarik?

Lumayan, Asia Miles pernah mengadakan promo serupa sebelumnya yang memberikan bonus 15% penukaran poin kartu kredit menjadi Asia Miles namun terdapat syarat minimum penukaran setara 30.000 Asia Miles jika Anda ingin memperoleh bonus 15% tersebut (jika tidak, Anda hanya mendapat bonus 10%).

Promo ini sekilas lebih ditujukan bagi Anda yang ingin menukarkan Asia Miles dalam jumlah moderat dan juga mengincar gimmick diskon 10% hotel redemption seperti saya 😉

dalam ruangan, kendaraan, Sandaran tangan, dinding, kursi
Tukarkan Asia Miles Anda untuk terbang di kabin premium Cathay Pacific

Saya menyarankan Anda untuk menukarkan poin kartu kredit Anda menjadi Asia Miles dengan bonus 10% ini terutama apabila Anda memiliki rencana untuk terbang di Cathay Pacific (termasuk upgrade kelas penerbangan) atau di maskapai OneWorld lainnya.

Baca juga: 10 Kartu Kredit Terbaik Untuk Mengumpulkan Asia Miles

Baca juga: Desain Baru Kartu Kredit CIMB Niaga Cathay Pacific


Bonus 10% penukaran poin kartu kredit menjadi Asia Miles ini cukup menarik terutama bagi Anda yang memiliki rencana menukarkan Asia Miles dalam jumlah besar. Cathay sendiri merupakan salah satu FFP favorit saya dikarenakan kartu ini memiliki banyak alternatif penukaran miles.

Award redemption untuk penukaran partner OneWorld mereka juga layak dipertimbangkan. Anda bisa menghemat banyak biaya apabila Anda menukarkan Asia Miles inin untuk penerbangan JAL yang mana menghemat biaya banyak dibanding apabila saya menggunakan moda transportasi lain seperti JR.

Cathay First Class WiFi
Tukarkan Asia Miles Anda untuk penerbangan di First Class Cathay Pacific yang fantastis

Sebelum saya lupa, untuk bisa eligible mengikuti promosi ini, Anda juga harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu di website Cathay.

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mengkonversikan poin menjadi Asia Miles dengan Bonus 10% ini?

  1. Sekarang agak susah ya cari flight pada saat redeem penerbangan dari dan/atau ke Jakarta (CGK). Seringnya tidak tersedia baik Cathay maupun maskapai Oneworld lainnya

  2. Hi mau tanya kalau untuk redemption flight pakai Asia Miles skrg sudah tidak ada free redemption ya? Saya ada coba book stopover menggunakan multi city tapi error terus keluar “Your selected itinerary contains too many open jaws/stopovers/transfers. ”
    Ada yang pernah berhasil book stopoverkah pakai asia miles recently?

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