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GHA DISCOVERY: Dapatkan D$5 Untuk Reservasi Melalui App

Jika selama tahun 2024 lalu GHA DISCOVERY memiliki promosi bertajuk ‘App-solutely Rewarding’ dengan memberikan Discovery Dollar (D$) sebanyak D$15 untuk setiap reservasi yang dilakukan melalui app, maka kini program loyalti ini kembali dengan promo serupa yang dinamakan ‘Keep It App‘.

teks, cuplikan layar, outdoor

Sayangnya promosi sebelumnya jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan dengan yang sekarang sedang berlangsung, ‘Keep It App’ hanya memberikan D$5 per reservasi. Well, setidaknya ada tambahan promosi yang dapat di-stack dengan promosi ‘Stay, Earn More, Repeat’. Berikut detil programnya:

Detail Program
  • Periode promosi dan menginap: 1 Januari 2025 – 31 Maret 2025.
    Reservasi yang dibuat sebelum tanggal 1 Januari 2025 tidak eligible untuk mendapat tambahan D$5. Pastikan juga tanggal check-out tidak lebih dari tanggal 31 Maret 2025
  • Tidak diperlukan pendaftaran untuk mengikuti program promosi ini
  • Reservasi melalui app GHA DISCOVERY saja yang akan memperoleh tambahan D$, jadi pastikan juga Anda tidak melakukan reservasi melalui website GHA DISCOVERY
  • Penginapan berturut-turut dengan tanggal check-in yang sama dengan tanggal check-out terakhir di properti yang sama tidak akan menerima promosi D$ (back-to-back stay)
  • Pemesanan lebih dari 1 kamar hanya akan dihitung sebagai pemesanan tunggal sehingga tidak akan mendapatkan tambahan D$
  • Tambahan D$ berlaku 6 bulan dari tanggal penerbitan
  • Berikut adalah syarat dan ketentuan programnya:

The “Keep it app” GHA DISCOVERY App Booking Promotion (the “Promotion”) applies to eligible stays at all GHA DISCOVERY hotels by members who have booked their stay via the GHA DISCOVERY app. The Promotion allows members to earn a bonus of Five Promotional DISCOVERY Dollars (D$5) on completed eligible stays, in addition to the Base DISCOVERY Dollars earned on that completed stay.

To take advantage of the promotion, participants must be a member of the GHA DISCOVERY programme and must have accepted the GHA DISCOVERY programme Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Not a member yet? Join GHA DISCOVERY.

Don’t have the GHA DISCOVERY App? Download Here. 

Participation conditions

To avail of the offer, members must complete a qualified eligible booking via the GHA DISCOVERY app within the promotional period  (1 January 2025 – 31 March 2025) and complete the eligible stay related to that booking within the required stay period (1 January 2025 00:00 Central European Time (CET) – 31 March 2025 23:59 Central European Time (CET)). The eligible stay must be completed and the member must be checked out on or before 31 March 2025 for Promotional D$ to be awarded. Ongoing stays with a checkout date after 31 March 2025 will not receive Promotional D$. 

Bookings that include multiple rooms will be counted and considered as a single stay and rewarded only once. Only bookings completed via the GHA DISCOVERY app will be eligible. 

Consecutive stays with the same check-in date as the last check-out date at the same property will not receive Promotional D$. 

 “Ineligible rates” (defined below) do not qualify for earning Promotional D$. Stays that are booked prior to the promotional dates will not be awarded Promotional D$.

Promotional D$ are awarded in addition to the Base D$ that are issued as a result of completing the eligible stay. Promotional D$ are subject to a limited expiry term of six (6) months from the date of issuance and are therefore excluded from the Base D$ expiration rules. Any Base D$ earned on a member’s stay will be subject to expiration based on standard tier-based expiration rules.

“Ineligible rates” do not qualify for earning Promotional D$. “Ineligible Rates” shall include, without limitation: (1) third-party online retailer rates, such as Expedia.com, Booking.com, Hotels.com, Orbitz.com, Priceline, Travelocity.com, etc. (“OTAs”) (2) tours series rates and charter rates (3) room rates for airline staff and crew where rooms are pre-booked and paid for by the airline or directly; (4) travel-industry staff rates; (5) other discounted rates; (6) any complimentary, free, traded or bartered night stays, or any stays in connection with gift certificates or other awards or vouchers. First stays on ineligible rates may receive DISCOVERY Dollars on a promotional basis, but these stays will not count towards tier qualification; subsequent stays on an ineligible rate will not receive D$ nor will they count towards tier qualification. 

This offer is subject to change or withdrawal without notice, cannot be transferred or exchanged for other forms of compensation, cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion unless explicitly stated and is subject to availability. D$ are not redeemable for cash.

GHA DISCOVERY membership, earnings, and redemption are subject to the programme Terms & Conditions


GHA DISCOVERY memberikan insentif tambahan apabila Anda melakukan reservasi hotel melalui app GHA DISCOVERY sebesar D$5 untuk masing-masing reservasinya. Program promosi ini diberi nama ‘Keep It App’ yang berlangsung hingga 31 Maret 2025.

‘Keep It App’ ini adalah program kontinuitas dari promo sebelumnya yang diberi nama ‘App-solutely Rewarding’ yang berakhir di akhir tahun 2024, namun sayangnya besaran D$ yang diberikan mendapat sunat besar-besaran dari D$15 menjadi D$5 saja. Walaupun begitu, promo D$ ekstra ini bisa digabung dengan promosi global yang sedang berlangsung tentunya akan sangat diapresiasi oleh para anggota program loyalti hotel ini ya. Jangan lupa ikuti promosi ‘Stay, Earn More, Repeat’ yang sudah berlangsung dari tanggal 2 Januari 2025 ini.

Saya juga hendak mengingatkan agar melakukan perbandingan harga saat hendak melakukan reservasi hotel melalui app GHA DISCOVERY dengan website hotelnya, kadang bisa terjadi perbedaan harga yang mungkin cukup signifikan yang mana harga di website hotel lebih murah daripada harga yang ditawarkan GHA DISCOVERY.

Apakah Anda kerap melakukan pemesanan melalui app GHA DISCOVERY? Atau Anda lebih menyukai untuk melakukan pemesanan melaui channel lainnya?


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