Kartu kredit Citi Prestige semakin menarik untuk dimiliki dan dipertahankan di tahun 2021 & 2022 dikarenakan mereka baru saja menawarkan program cashback sebesar Rp3.000.000 bagi mereka yang sudah memiliki kartu kredit ini lebih dari 12 bulan.
Mengingat Citi Prestige memiliki iuran tahunan (annual fee) sebesar Rp3.500.000, maka secara efektif cashback ini akan mengurangi biaya annual fee menjadi ‘hanya’ Rp500.000; Sangat murah untuk kartu kredit top-tier yang memiliki fasilitas luar biasa.
Berikut detail dari program cashback tersebut yang saya kutip dari website Citi Indonesia:
Terms & Conditions Groceries & Dining Credit Program:
- Valid for Primary Cardholders of Citi Prestige Card issued in Indonesia.
- Program period is 01 July 2021 – 30 June 2022.
- This program is valid for Cardholders who have had Citi Prestige Credit for more than 12 (twelve) months during the program period.
- To get this program offer, Cardholders must pay the annual fee of the Citi Prestige Primary Card which is due within the program period 01 July 2021 – 30 June 2022 and make purchases using the Citi Prestige Card in the supermarket (groceries) and /or restaurant (dining) merchant category.
- Cardholders will get Groceries & Dining Credit which will be given in the form of cashback. Cashback will be given if the Cardholder has paid the annual fee in full and on time and afterward, makes purchases for a maximum of 3 (three) months after the payment of the Citi Prestige Credit Card annual fee with the following scheme:
Total Accumulated Spend Total Groceries & Dining Credit Rp 5,000,000 Rp 400,000 Rp 15,000,000 Rp 1,500,000 Rp 25,000,000 Rp 3,000,000 Transactions using a Citi Prestige Card supplementary at merchants according to the program criteria will be calculated into the primary card transaction.
- The total of Groceries & Dining Credit does not apply to multiples and card holder only eligible for 1x (one) cashback within program period.
- Groceries & Dining Credit will be credited to the Citi Prestige Credit Card no later than 2 (two) months after the maximum purchase date in the supermarket (groceries) and/or restaurant (dining) merchant category. Groceries & Dining Credit nominal can be seen on the Citi Prestige Credit Card billing statement after the credit process is done.
- The following is an illustration of the calculation and Groceries & Dining Credit process::
- Cardholder A
- Have had a Citi Prestige Credit Card for more than 12 (twelve) months and the annual fee payment due is 20 July 2021.
- Pay the annual fee on 20 July 2021, so that the maximum purchase period in the supermarket (groceries) and/or restaurant (dining) merchant category is 31 October 2021.
- Cardholder makes purchases according to program criteria on 04 August 2021, 01 September 2021, and 02 October 2021 with accumulated spending of Rp. 8,000,000 (Eight Million Rupiah).
- Cardholder A gets a Groceries & Dining Credit of Rp400,000 (Four Hundred Thousand Rupiah).
- The maximum Groceries & Dining Credit process is 31 December 2021.
- Cardholder B
- Have had a Citi Prestige Credit Card for more than 12 (twelve) months and the annual fee payment due is 05 August 2021.
- Pay the annual fee on 05 August 2021, so that the maximum purchase period in the supermarket (groceries) and/or restaurant (dining) merchant category is 30 November 2021.
- Cardholder makes purchases according to program criteria on 25 August 2021, 01 September 2021, 10 October 2021, and 20 November 2021 with accumulated spending of Rp. 30,000,000 (Thirty Million Rupiah).
- Cardholder B gets a Groceries & Dining Credit of Rp3,000,000 (Three Million Rupiah).
- The maximum Groceries & Dining Credit process is 31 January 2022.
- Cardholder A
- Citibank has the right to cancel Groceries & Travel Credit/Cash back , if Cardholder proven:
- Does not meet the requirements to join the program and/or receive a prize; and/or
- Taking action or being suspected of misconduct, fraudulent acts or actions that violate legal and statutory provisions related to the use of Citi Credit Cards, Citibank facilities or services owned including but not limited to Cash Withdrawals/Cash Swipes at Merchants, manipulation of transactions by Cardholder and/or Merchants, and other fraudulent acts according to Citibank’s considerations.
- Not following applicable Laws.
- The time limit for Cardholder complaints for this program will be received by Citibank no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days after the program period ends.
- Citibank reserve the right to vary the terms and conditions of this offer with notification at least 30 business days in advance.
- This T&C is created in two versions, Bahasa Indonesia and English. In case of any discrepancies in translation, the Bahasa Indonesia version of the T&C applies.
Baca juga: Review Kartu Kredit Citi Prestige
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Kartu Kredit Citi Prestige adalah salah satu kartu kredit terbaik di Indonesia yang memiliki annual fee yang tidak bisa dihapuskan namun sebanding dengan berbagai manfaat yang Anda peroleh dari kartu ini seperti 5x luxury airport transfer, 5x airport lounge access, fitur 4th night free, dan earning rate yang cukup baik.

Meski begitu, terdapat banyak sekali cara untuk meminimalisir biaya annual fee ini di mana program cashback untuk transaksi di merchant kategori grocery & restaurant ini adalah salah satunya.
Saya tidak akan ragu untuk merekomendasikan Anda untuk mengajukan dan memiliki kartu kredit terbitan Citi Indonesia. Meski begitu, sumber saya mengatakan bahwa untuk sementara waktu Citi Indonesia masih belum atau akan sangat berhati-hati dalam menyetujui pengajuan kartu kredit baru akibat PPKM.
Hi, apa ada kenalan marsak nya untuk pengajuan di wilayah surabaya??
Sayangnya tidak ada. Anda lebih baik datang ke kantor Citi terdekat.
Hi Ko,
Dengan pandemi begini, apakah masih worth it untuk memegang citi prestige ini?
Karena fasilitas nya baru kerasa kalau traveling ke LN yg masih Asia.
Jika ada cashback iuran tahunan tahun ke-2 maka worth it, dan setidaknya kalau dipakai untuk ke Ubud gitu masih cukup worth it, haha.
Hiii ko edwin. Apakah ada marketing utk wilayah medan?
Dan apakah kalo kita menjadi nasabah citi priority akan lgsung medapat cc prestige / cc premier miles?
Sayangnya tidak ada namun PinterPoin akan segera mengadakan fitur pendaftaran Citi secara online dengan kemungkinan acc yang tinggi.
Dan untuk Citi Priority akan secara otomatis atau setidaknya kemungkinan sangat besar akan bisa memperoleh CC PremierMiles
Untuk Citi Prestige, harus CitiGold.