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Book Your Meal: ‘Book The Cook’ Ala Garuda Indonesia?

Kabar baik bagi Anda yang sering naik kelas bisnis rute internasional Garuda Indonesia. Per 26 Juli 2019 lalu, Garuda Indonesia mengadakan fitur ‘Book Your Meal’ yaitu konsep pelayanan di mana Anda bisa memilih makanan yang Anda ingin santap pada penerbangan tersebut sebelum keberangkatan.

Sekilas, konsep ‘Book Your Meal’ ini sangat menyerupai fitur ‘Book the Cook’ dari Singapore Airlines. Bedanya, pilihan makanan yang disajikan masih sangat terbatas dan sejauh ini hanya terdapat 3 rute di mana Anda bisa memesan ‘Book Your Meal’ ini. Ketiga rute tersebut adalah Jakarta – Sydney, Jakarta – Haneda, dan Jakarta – Amsterdam.

Berikut menu-menu book your meal yang disajikan Garuda Indonesia untuk setiap rute yang saya kutip dari website Garuda Indonesia.

Business Class (Regular Meal)

This menu is available until September 2019 on flights:

  1. Jakarta – Haneda
  2. Jakarta – Sydney

1. Invalid request error occurred. Duck Seafood Fried Rice
The delicacy of seafood fried rice combined with a savory flavors from roasted duck, and served with fried egg, slices of cucumber and chili, then sprinkled with onion leaves.
2. Invalid request error occurred. Egg Dishes
Aim to provide your supreme taste, we serve warm eggs with sautéed vegetables and potato slices.
3. Invalid request error occurred. Bircher Muesli
The Bircher muesli dish is sprinkled with pumpkin seed, pieces of raisins, and fresh apples.
4. Invalid request error occurred. Gyuniku Yawarakani Teriyaki Sauce (+Tataki Maguro)
*This menu is only available on flights CGK – HND
Teriyaki beef sauce served with Japanese rice and miso soup. The set menu comes with scrambled eggs, pickled vegetables, and pickles.

3. Jakarta – Amsterdam

1. Invalid request error occurred. Dendeng Batokok, Nasi Jeruk, Sambal Hijau
Batokok beef jerky and grilled chicken are served with lime leaves rice and sautéed pumpkin shoots. To suit your better taste, we add a potato cakes and Minang’s special green chili sauce.
2. Invalid request error occurred. Seafood Shirataki Noodle
Shirataki noodles served with sautéed fresh shrimp, pieces of fish meatballs, squids, and vegetables, doused with shirataki sauce and sprinkled with slices of chili and chives.
3. Invalid request error occurred. Khabsah Rice with Chicken, Aloo Ghobi
The delicacy of Khabsah Rice from Middle East is served with slices of chicken, aloo gobi, green sauce, red sauce, and crispy fried onions.

Business Class (Garuda Signature)

This menu is available on flights:
1. Jakarta – Haneda
2. Jakarta – Sydney
3. Jakarta – Amsterdam

1. Invalid request error occurred. Nasi Goreng Spesial 
Nasi goreng (fried rice) has been named the national dish of Indonesia and it is chosen as the second dish on “World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods” list by CNN International after rendang.
Signature Nasi Goreng of Garuda Indonesia consists of Indonesian Nasi Goreng served with stir fried prawn balado, buttered chicken, sunny side up egg, and sambal bajak
2. Invalid request error occurred.
Nasi Tutug Oncom
Nasi Tutug Oncom is rice or sago pounded (tutug) with the oncom (Indonesia traditional staple foods), originating from Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat.
Garuda Indonesia serves it with grilled marinated chicken, stir fried chili potato and prawn, sautéed string bean, and sambal bajak.
3. Invalid request error occurred. Nasi Kuning Nusantara
Nasi Kuning Nusantara is one of Indonesian dish consisting of steamed turmeric rice, served with number of other Indonesian dishes.
Garuda Indonesia serves it with braised chicken with bumbu rujak, sautéed sweet soy tempe, and vegetables.


Dietary Meal

This menu is available on flights:
1. Jakarta – Haneda
2. Jakarta – Sydney
3. Jakarta – Amsterdam

1. Invalid request error occurred. Pepes Tahu with Omelet
Tofu wrapped in pepes spices then steamed turns to create a unique flavor. Served with omelet and sautéed broccoli, carrots and beans. This menu provides nutrition that is recommended for those who are in a diet carbo program.Remarks:
  • Without carbs
  • Medium spicy (not recommended for children)
2. Invalid request error occurred. Poach Salmon, mashed potato, and Asparagus
Poached salmon and egg will bring a unique blend of taste and texture.
Served with mashed potatoes, asparagus, and grilled tomatoes will complement the delights of this menu, but still meet the levels of your calorie needs that have allergies to gluten.
3. Invalid request error occurred. Lacto Ovo Meal
The delicates of cannelloni pasta that is baked along with the sweet taste of pumpkin will give a special texture.
Served with sautéed capsicum, slices of black olives then doused with tomato sauce will blend the delicacy of this dish.
This vegetarian menu is suitable for those who do not eat and drink the dishes containing animal protein, but still consume eggs and milk (lacto ovo).Remark:
  • Gluten Allergen
4. Invalid request error occurred.
Pepes Tahu Terong Balado
We also serve a traditional dish from Indonesia called Pepes Tahu (steamed tofu cooked in banana leave) served with eggplant balado, caramelized soy bean, and sautéed vegetables.
For those of you who are under going a carbo diet, this menu is one of the choices that you can enjoy.
5. Invalid request error occurred.
Fettuccine Pesto & Grilled mushroom (Special Meal for Vegan)
This menu is perfect for you who eats vegan food.
Consisting of fettuccine cooked with pesto sauce, served with paprika and baked champignon mushrooms, as well as asparagus and cherry tomatoes.
6. Invalid request error occurred.
Baked Snapper with Steamed Parsley Potato
Enjoy the grilled snapper to suit your taste served with grilled pumpkin, healthy boiled potatoes, and various kinds of boiled vegetables.

Baca juga: Review Garuda Indonesia Business Class Boeing 737-800 Jakarta – Surabaya

Baca juga: Panduan Lengkap GarudaMiles


Penambahan fitur ‘Book Your Meal’ pada penerbangan kelas bisnis Garuda Indonesia untuk rute internasional ini saya pandang sebagai hal yang positif. Saya sendiri secara pribadi tidak meragukan kualitas katering dari Garuda Indonesia, terutama untuk hidangan khas Indonesia seperti sate ayam, nasi kuning, nasi goreng, dan sebagainya.

Apabila Anda ingat, saya pernah mengatakan bahwa Garuda Indonesia menyajikan hidangan yang sangat lezat terutama untuk masakan khas Indonesia. Contohnya adalah sate ayam yang sempat saya bahas pada kelas bisnis domestik di mana saya memberikan skor 9 dari 10 untuk sate tersebut.

makanan, Masakan, perlengkapan meja, hidangan, piring, meja, sayuran, dalam ruangan, Hidangan, timun, makan siang, Makanan cepat saji, daging, lauk tambahan, restoran, minum
Sate ayam Garuda Indonesia merupakan salah satu hidangan di atas pesawat terbaik yang pernah saya cicipi.

Oleh karena itu, tidaklah berlebihan apabila saya mengatakan bahwa sate ayam tersebut jauh lebih enak dibanding dengan sate yang saya makan di The Private Room Changi Airport 🙂 .

Walaupun untuk saat ini rute yang memiliki fitur ‘Book Your Meal’ sangat terbatas, saya berharap Garuda Indonesia akan terus menambahkan rute yang memiliki fitur Book Your Meal ini terutama untuk rute internasional non-Jakarta seperti Denpasar – Tokyo, Surabaya – Singapore, Denpasar – Shanghai dan sebagainya.

Penambahan jenis menu juga akan turut memperkuat image Book Your Meal ini agar tidak terkesan hanya sekedar menjiplak program Book the Cook dari Singapore Airlines. Mari kita berharap Garuda Indonesia akan terus meningkatkan layanan-layanan seperti ini kedepannya.

Bagi Anda yang sudah memiliki penerbangan di salah satu rute diatas, Anda bisa mencoba fitur Book Your Meal melalui link ini.


Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mencoba fitur ‘Book Your Meal’ dari Garuda Indonesia?


  1. Setidaknya kita harus menghargai bahwa GA Mau improve segala aspect Dr service nya. Mau pun Itu copy Atau ide baru pun Sebenarnya gak menjadi masalah yg penting mengarah positive.

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