outdoor, pohon, langit, air, pohon palem, awan, Kota resor, kolam renang, bangunan, resor, danau, Kota spa, Arecales, refleksi, tanaman, Kolam refleksi, rumah, kolam, lanskap, hotel

Update: Promo Bonus 4.000 Poin Accor Dengan 2 Stay di Sofitel

Accor sedang mengadakan promo yang cukup menarik di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan bonus 4.000 poin Accor (senilai Rp1.360.000) hanya dengan melakukan 2 stay di Sofitel selama periode promosi.

Berikut adalah detail promo tersebut melalui surel yang dikirimkan oleh Sofitel:

air, kolam renang, outdoor, resor, pohon, langit, Sunlounger, berenang, Kota spa, pohon palem, kolam, liburan
  • General ALL – Accor Live Limitless terms and conditions apply to the “Sofitel Extra Reward Points” offer and you must be a member of ALL – Accor Live Limitless to benefit from it.

  • To take advantage of this offer, members of the ALL loyalty programme must register for the offer (between 01/02/2024, through 11:59 p.m. Central European Time (CET), 14/04/2024) prior to their stay by clicking on the “Log in” button and then following the instructions. Only bookings made after successful registration via the login button are eligible for this bonus offer.

  • This offer entitles members of ALL – Accor Live Limitless, regardless of their membership status, to earn 4000 bonus Reward points when staying at any hotel that has enrolled in the ALL – Accor Live Limitless loyalty programme.

  • This Reward points bonus is offered in addition to the Reward points and Status points that are usually earned by the member on completing an eligible stay, in accordance with the ALL – Accor Live Limitless general conditions of use.

  • This offer can be used only 2 times per member during its validity period. The first stay booked and completed following registration for the offer is eligible for the Reward points credit, as per the offer conditions. This offer applies for 2 stays, the member will received the bonus Rewards points after the second stay.

  • This offer is valid for a member’s stay from 02/02/204 to 12/05/2024 in one of the participating hotels, and booked between 01/02/2024, through 11:59 p.m. Central European Time (CET), 14/04/2024.

  • For the purposes of this offer, a stay is understood to be one (1) booking by a member of ALL for one or several rooms. In other words, bookings that include more than one (1) room will be counted as just one (1) stay. The earlier check-out date is counted while the credit of Reward and Status points is calculated.

  • In other words, a member of ALL – Accor Live Limitless will receive eligible points and nights for the room which he/she vacates first.

  • To be eligible for this offer, stays must be booked directly via Accor (via the official Accor websites, the Accor All mobile apps). Stays booked via a reseller, tour operator or third-party online travel agent (such as expedia.com, booking.com, etc.) or the ALL call centre, directly at a hotel) or through a traditional travel agency whose booking system is automatically connected to the Accor booking office will not be eligible for this offer.

  • Members must provide their ALL – Accor Live Limitless Loyalty card number when making the reservation, and present the card at the hotel reception desk at check-in.

  • Reward points will be credited to the member’s account within 10 days of the member checking out.

  • This offer is subject to availability. General sales terms and conditions apply for reserved public rates specific to each hotel.

  • The “Sofitel Extra Reward Points ” offer cannot be combined with other discounts or special offers. This offer does not apply to groups. This offer is subject to availability. General terms and conditions of sale apply for hotel specific public reserved rates.

  • Accor, participating hotels and/or partners of this offer accept no liability for non-performance or unavailability of the offer due to an external and unavoidable event that makes performance by Accor, participating hotels and/or partners of this offer impossible or disproportionately burdensome. Customers or members will not be entitled to any compensation and the benefits of the offer (particularly Reward points) will not be issued/credited if the offer cannot be implemented in these circumstances.

  • Please specify the reference 020119 in all your communications with call centers or customers care services related to this offer.

Anda bisa menggunakan link ini untuk mendaftar pada promo bonus 4.000 poin dari Accor setelah melakukan 2 stay pada hotel dengan brand Sofitel ini.

Jika Anda telah sukses mendaftar pada promo ini, di link yang sama akan muncul gambar sebagai berikut:

    teks, cuplikan layar, Font

    Baca juga: Panduan Lengkap Accor Live Limitless

    Baca juga: Review Kartu Kredit CIMB Accor World


    Sayangnya, seperti yang diulas oleh loyaltylobby, terdapat sedikit kerancuan mengenai eligible stay di Sofitel ini di mana informasi yang ada adalah sebagai berikut:

    • 4,000 additional points • Minimum two nights’ stay • Limited time offer

    Namun juga ada ketentuan sebagai berikut di website yang sama:

    Located around the world, our hotels and resorts invite you to discover our unparalleled blend of local charm and French savoir faire. And when you stay at least one night, we will gift you 4,000 Reward points on top of what you will already earn. Simply make your reservations by 14th April 2024 for 2 stays through 12th May 2024, subscribe to the offer, and the bonus points will be automatically credited to your account.

    Percayalah, saya juga cukup bingung apakah periode stay yang dimaksud adalah 1 (satu) atau 2 (dua) malam.

    Meski begitu, saya berpendapat periode stay yang benar adalah 1 (satu) malam saja tiap stay tetapi tidak ada salahnya juga kita menunggu informasi lebih lanjut dari pihak Accor ataupun update dari loyaltylobby juga.

    Update: Pihak LoyaltyLobby telah mengontak pihak Accor dan mengonfirmasi bahwa tidak ada syarat minimum stay.

    teks, air, berenang, kolam renang, pohon, outdoor, pohon palem

      Apakah promo ini menarik? Jawabannya adalah ‘ya’ terutama apabila Anda memang memiliki rencana untuk menginap di hotel jaringan Sofitel di masa depan selama periode promosi.

      Di Asia sendiri, terdapat beberapa hotel Sofitel yang murah dan cukup bagus yang bisa saya rekomendasikan seperti:

      • Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort

      • Sofitel Kuala Lumpur Damansara

      • Sofitel Ambassador Seoul (kebetulan ketika saya menulis artikel ini, saya sedang menginap di sini)

      • Sofitel Singapore City Center

      • Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort

      • Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi

      • Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16

      Sofitel sendiri juga merupakan salah satu brand hotel favorit saya di Accor karena seringkali menawarkan price/value yang menarik, bisa dikombinasikan dengan program TA (Travel Advisor), dan menggunakan Diptyque sebagai bath amenity 😉

      Oleh karena itu, jika Anda seperti saya yang memiliki atau akan memiliki rencana untuk menginap di Sofitel di masa depan, maka Anda harus memanfaatkan promo inoi sebaik-baiknya.

      dalam ruangan, dinding, desain interior, tempat tidur, lantai, bantal, hotel, Apartemen penthouse, matras, Suite, jendela, seprai, Linen, Memasang lantai, Seprai, Selimut penutup, properti, Rangka tempat tidur, Perawatan jendela, Hotel butik, kamar, plafon, kamar tidur, besar, deasin, mebel, Apartemen
      Sofitel Seoul adalah hotel favorit saya di Seoul
      Apa pendapat Anda mengenai promo bonus 4.000 poin setelah 2 stay di Sofitel ini?

      1. Kebetulan ada reservasi 2 malam di Sofitel Singapore City Center bulan depan ini. Walaupun registrasinya telat, namun dengan segala kerancuan yang ada di T&C promo ini, masih berharap bisa dapat bonus poinnya. Fingers crossed!

        1. Buat booking bulan feb sesuai tnc? Lalu kalo baca tnc diatas kalo nginep lebih dari 1 malem saya kok merasa lebih aman booking 2x 1 malam ya??

          Klo hrg belim berubah sih saya mending cancel book lalu book ulang sesuai tnc

          1. Sayangnya saya kemaren ambil tarif red hot rooms, jadi tidak bisa diutak-atik lagi. Booking baru pertengahan Februari lalu. Kebetulan memang reservasinya terpisah di 2 booking numbers. Apakah tarifnya eligible untuk promo ini karena tergolong ‘discount and special offers’, yang ini saya pasrah saja karena memang tidak ada maksud kejar poinnya sebelumnya.

      2. Kalo liat harganya yang ikut promo ini diwebnyabkurang menarik, karena kalo pesen di app bisa dapet yg red rooms, disini ga ada option redroom, selisihnya mending order redroom

      3. Halo, ini jika booking via app bisa juga kan ya setelah aktivasi promo di website? Karena kok saya cek rate di website dan di app berbeda ya? lebih murah rate di app. Apakah memang normal seperti itu ya? Thank you!

        1. Sie,

          Pemesanan harus via Apps atau website Accor tidak bisa lewat Third Party. Kalau harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan OTA, Anda bisa coba klaim best price guarantee atau sejenisnya.

      4. 1-2 minggu ini, selalu bermasalah tiap mau LOG IN WEBSITE accor. Mau booking lewat website biar bisa pakai extension Rakuten.

        “We’re sorry, our website is experiencing technical difficulties”

        Kalo booking/browsing/akses website as guest gak ada masalah. Login dan booking as member lewat app juga gak ada masalah.

        Ini saya doang atau yang lain juga ya?

      5. FYI :
        Terima kasih atas email Bapak dan mohon maaf atas keterlambatan kami dalam membalas dikarenakan traffic yang tinggi.
        Terkait email Bapak, mohon maaf Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach belum bergabung dalam promo 4000 rewards points sebagaimana tertera pada website tersebut. Sofitel yang terdaftar adalah:
        – Sofitel Paris Le Faubourg
        – Sofitel Roma Villa Borghese
        – Sofitel London St James
        – Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam
        – Sofitel Agadir Thalassa Sea & Spa (Morroco)
        – Sofitel Mauritius L’imperial Resort & Spa (Mauritius)
        – Sofitel Washington DC Lafayette Square
        – Sofitel Kuala Lumpur Damansara
        – Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour
        Mengenai ketentuan lebih lanjut, Bapak dapat menghubungi Sofitel yang terdaftar.
        Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami kembali apabila Bapak memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut.
        Thank you and have a great day ahead.
        Kindly keep our generic email, H9078@sofitel.com in your reply, to enable us providing you with our better assistance in a timely manner.

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